The INEDP tries to be a voice in the world of science education. It wants to be a bridges the gap between researchers, trainers and teachers, in education, in didactic and in psycho-pedagogy.
The INEDP provides a means for, clubs, forums, associations, institutions, museum/centres, organisms, foundations, companies, and individuals concerned with science education to share results, analysis, perspectives, concerns, ideas, and information that will foster cooperative efforts to improve science education, and which will serve to the advancement of science education, didactic, psychology and pedagogy throughout the world
It will serve as a medium to:
Sixième Séminaire Tunisien de Didactique sur
La didactique des Mathématiques en Tunisie
“La Recherche en didactique des mathématiques et l’action : Quelles possibilités ? Quelles ressources ?”
Please see the guideline just below (see Guideline for Authors)All proposals (title, key-words, abstract and synopsis) must be in English. Some full paperscan be in French, with a summary in English.At least the first author of each proposal must be registered and pay the appropriateconference fee.For each communication, the speaker will be the first author.The Conference provides a data projector and laptop for presentations.Presentations that advertise commercial products will not be accepted. However, if you havea commercial product to show, for exhibition or marketing, please contact the secretariat.GUIDELINE FOR AUTHORSGeneral informationThe main language is English but we accept some full papers in French (with an English abstract)for parallels sessions . All authors must take care of the language revision on their own. The editorreserves the right to ask author(s) to more improve the manuscript.Format of ManuscriptsGeneralManuscripts should be typed on A4- Word-document (Word 6.0 or later) format.- Fonts: Times New Roman; size 12 (except the main title: size14)- Use single-spaced type.- Text: margins 2,5 cm with all the margins (at right, at left, the top and bottom).- All text formatted in a single column per page.- Do not number the pages. No title on the header nor in the foot of the page.- Avoid foot-notes.- SI unit should be employed where applicable- All URL addresses in the text (e.g., are activated and ready to click.The structure of the manuscriptThe body of the text of the manuscript must generally have the following parts:o First page (title, authors, abstract, key-words)o Introduction: theoretical background, question of researcho Methodology of researcho Results of researcho Discussion, conclusions, perspectiveso Acknowledgementso References
2 - First pageTitle (maximum 30 words): capital letters; font size14; bold; centred.Author(s) Name(s) and affiliation (institution): font size12-point; centred.NAME(s): font size12; capital letters; bold for the first author (and, if required, for anotherauthor involved in the presentation). First name(s), in full; small letters. Add (1); (2), … foraffiliations below.(1), (2), … Affiliation(s) - short name of the laboratory or institute, name of the institution(e.g. University …), CountryCorresponding author’s e-mail (only the first author, and exceptionally another author)Abstract (maximum 300 words)Key-words: provide 3 to 5 key words or very short phrases)Leave two blank lines before and after: the title, the authors’ names, the abstract and the keywords.Main paperLength of the manuscriptWe have two optionsOption 1 - an abstract and 3 page synopsis;Option 2 - an abstract and the full paper (if you prefer to write directly a full paper than a 3-page synopsis).- Synopsis: 3 pages maximum including figures, tables and references (+ the first page with abstractetc.)- Full text related to an oral communication: 3 000 to 7 500 words (15 pages maximum includingfigures, tables and references) (+ the first page)- Full text related to a Poster: 3 000 to 4 500 words (9 pages maximum including figures; tablesand references). (+ the first page)Use single space only. Paragraphs should not be indented. Be sure your text is fully justified - thatis, flush left and flush right. Insert one blank line between paragraphs.Figures and Tables- Tables and figures should be valuable, relevant, and visually attractive. Tables (made with Word)and figures must be referred to in the text and numbered in order of their appearance.- Figures, tables and captions should be inserted within the manuscript at their appropriatelocations.- Each table and figure should have a complete, descriptive title; and each table column anappropriate heading. They must be centred, aligned with text. Figure and table captions should bein small letters (except the first word letter), font size 10, not bold. Figures and tables must benumbered separately. For example: “Figure 1. Database contexts”, “Table 1. Input data”.- Figure captions are to be centred below the figures. Table titles are to be centred above the tables.Please avoid using grouping of objects in figures and tables. They tend to lose their correct placeduring editing. Leave one blank line before and one after the figure or table.- When importing charts from other programs (for example Excel) please insert them as images andnot charts that can be later edited.- The figures should be in form of .jpg (if not done with Word); resolution 1200 dpi.Images.Please, avoid too heavy images (less than 500 Ko by image, maximal resolution 1200 dpi,form of.jpg (if not done with Word)). Insert them at their place into the text. If all your contribution, afterinserting images, is heavier than 2 Mo, please send separately the images (with your name, theirnumber and legend), and indicate in the text where each of them is to be inserted.
3 - Titles and sub-titles1. First-order headings (for example, “1. Introduction”): in font size 12; in bold; initialword letter capitalized; adjusted to the left; with two blank lines before, and one blank lineafter. Use a point (“.”) after the heading number and one space before the adding.Example: 1.Introduction.1.1- Second-order headings: font size 12; in bold; initial word letter capitalized; adjusted tothe left; with one blank line before, followed by your text without a blank line. Use a hyphen(“-”) after the heading number, not a point. Example: 1.1-General context.1.1.1- Third-order headings: are discouraged. However, if required, use font size12; in boldand italics; initial word letter capitalized; adjusted to the left; with one blank line before,followed by your text without a blank line. Use a hyphen (“-”) after the heading number, not apoint. Example: 1.1-Local context.FootnotesPreferably avoid the use of footnotes. If they are really needed, place them at the bottom of the pageon which they are referenced. Use 10-point type, single-spaced.AcknowledgementsYou can add acknowledgements if necessary, and as short as possible.References- When referenced in the text, enclose the name of the author and the year of publication inbrackets, for example (Zogza et al 2005, 2006) or (Belta, 1988; Atir, 1996). Where appropriate,include the name(s) of editors of referenced books (and also of journals when they are notinternationally known). If necessary, the page can be indicated: (Belta, 1988, p.36).- The list of references should be presented after the text.List references in font size 10; single-spaced; at the end of the text. Use the word “References” forthe title; in font size 12; in bold; adjusted to the left; initial word letter capitalized; do not useheading numbering; with two blank lines before. The first line of the reference should not beindented. The second reference line and subsequent ones should be indented 0,8 cm.- Book title:Bell, B., & Gilbert, J. (1996).Teacher development: A model from science education.London:Falmer Press.- Chapter in book:Duit, R., & Glynn, S. (1996). Mental modelling.In G. Welford, J. Osborne, & P. Scott (Eds.)Research in science education in Europe: Current issues and themes (pp. 166-176).London: Falmer.- Journal article:Van Driel, J. H., &Verloop, N. (1999). Teachers’ knowledge of models and modelling inscience. International Journal of Science Education, 21, 1141-1153.- Webography:Please indicate the author(s), the year of publication of this text, the title, the precise date (day,month, year) you consulted the web site, and the precise reference of the web site.All papers must adhere to this template in format. No paper can be processed if not formattedaccording to the stated rules and regulations.Sending- All papers should be submitted before March 1, 2012, at the same time to the SymposiumOrganizing Committee and to the Website: papers web link)- Early submission is highly recommended.
4- Final Full Papers which are accepted but submitted after 31 August, 2012 may be presented at theconference but they will not be published in the symposium proceedings.- To facilitate file management, please use the following system to name your file:YourSurname_Country.doc or YourSurname_Country.docxFor further publication:After the Symposium you may have to improve your text (poster as well as oral publications),taking into account the discussions during the symposium, to submit it to Journals or books. Moreinformation on these issues will be delivered at the Symposium.Texts written in French /Textes écrits en français :Se conformer aux mêmes règles que celles qui viennent d’être exposées pour les textes écrits enanglais. Cependant, vous devez dupliquer la première page. En plus de celle rédigée en français,rajoutez la première page traduite en anglais (titre, résumé, mots-clés, et éventuelsremerciements en fin du texte).SELECTION CRITERIAAll proposals (in English or in French) are selected on the basis of clarity, quality and relevance tothe Conference theme and Strands. A blind review process will be used to evaluate all submissions.IOSTE XV scientific committee regrets that it cannot select all proposals submitted. It should notbe assumed that prior participation in our event guarantees selection for IOSTE XV. Space islimited.PUBLICATIONEach paper will be included in conference program. Authors of all selected papers will have theirworks published in the Symposium proceedings with ISBN/ISSN. Papers of best quality will bepublished in some selected journals or other publications (ISSN). Some carefully selected paperswill be available online.